
Website Chatbot Design: 10 Tips + UI Examples

Discover website chatbot design tips to boost your customer service with AI. Includes practical design examples to inspire your chatbot project.


chatbot UI design

Chatbots have become a popular tool in customer service nowadays, but they often face criticism. While some critics argue that chatbots only resolve about 40% of contacts, leaving 60% of users unresolved, it's important to recognize the value they bring. Those 40% represent the most common issues that support agents previously had to answer repeatedly. This way, businesses were actually paying people to give the same response hundreds of times a month, an inefficiency that chatbots can address with ease.

Support bots are not going anywhere—they save businesses too much money to be ignored. Support costs are significant, and if a company can reduce those costs by 40-50%, they are likely to adopt chatbot technology, whether customers love it or not. In the last years, with the recent advancements in AI, the adoption of support bots is accelerating rapidly.

website chatbot trend

Given this context, designing a chatbot that not only functions well but also provides a positive user experience is crucial.

This article showcases the key design tips and chatbot UI examples to inspire your next chatbot project.

What is an AI Website Chatbot?

An AI website chatbot is a software that uses artificial intelligence to interact with website visitors through a chat interface and simulate human conversation. It appears as a chat box, usually in the corner of a webpage, where users can type questions or requests, and the chatbot replies automatically.

These chatbots are designed to help answer common questions, guide users through a process, provide customer support, recommend products, or even complete tasks like booking appointments.

How do chatbots work? Chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) to understand what users type and respond in a way that feels like a conversation. They use data and rules to decide what to say based on the questions they receive.

Can chatbots replace human customer service? Chatbots can handle simple, repetitive tasks, but they are best used alongside human agents for more complex or sensitive issues.

Are chatbots difficult to set up? Setting up a chatbot can be easy, especially with no-code platforms that allow you to create and customize your chatbot without needing to know how to code. Check out the use case included in this article.

Can I customize the chatbot’s appearance and responses? Yes, chatbots can be customized to match your website’s design, use your brand’s tone of voice, and respond in ways that align with your business needs.

Website Chatbot Design Tips

1. Keep It Simple and Intuitive

A chatbot should be easy to interact with. Avoid cluttered UI designs and complicated language that might confuse users. Simplicity is key to a great user experience.

2. Use a Friendly Tone

ai chatbot tone example

Make your chatbot sound friendly and more like a real person. Instead of using stiff or robotic language, try to use warm, conversational words that feel natural. Simple greetings, casual phrases, and even a little humor can make a big difference. A human touch helps users feel more comfortable and makes the interaction smoother and more enjoyable.

3. Ensure Mobile Compatibility

responsive chatbot

Since 2018 (when Google announced that they'll prioritize crawling mobile versions of websites over desktop versions) mobile-friendly designs are no longer optional—they are essential.

Many people will chat with your bot on their phones, so it’s important that the chatbot looks good and works smoothly on small screens. Make sure the text is easy to read, buttons are big enough to tap, and the chat window fits well without needing to scroll sideways.

Test your chatbot UI and UX on different devices to make sure it’s easy to use whether someone is on a phone, tablet, or computer.

4. Incorporate Visual Elements

Visual elements like pictures, icons, emojis, and typing indicators can make your chatbot more engaging and fun to use. These visuals help break up text and make the chat feel more lively and less boring. For example, using an avatar or a friendly bot image can make the interaction feel more personal. Icons can guide users, like a thumbs-up for approval or a question mark for help.

5. Personalize the Chatbot User Experience

Personalizing the chatbot makes it feel like it’s talking directly to the user. Use the user’s name if you have it, remember past interactions, or suggest products and answers based on what they’ve looked at before. This personal touch not only makes the chatbot feel more friendly but also helps users find what they need faster.

6. Include Clear Call-to-Action Buttons

ai chatbot action buttons

Add buttons for common actions to make the chatbot easy to use. Instead of typing, users can just tap on buttons like “Yes,” “No,” “Talk to Support,” or “See catalog.” This helps guide users through the chat quickly and reduces confusion.

7. Provide Dashboards with Clear Analytics and Insights

Display important data through easy-to-read charts, graphs, and reports that highlight key performance metrics. Include real-time monitoring and alerts so admins can see live interactions, track issues, and respond quickly when needed.

8. Offer Easy Integration and Feedback Options

Ensure the dashboard integrates smoothly with other tools like CRM systems or support software, and provides options for exporting data. Collect and display user feedback directly on the dashboard to help identify areas for improvement and keep the chatbot evolving.

9. Test Different Chatbot Widgets

You can use pop-up chat windows, slide-out chats, or even small embedded chats that stay on the page. Test these different styles to see which one your users like most and which one helps them get answers faster.

10. Offer Multiple Input Methods

Let users interact with the chatbot in different ways, like typing, speaking, or even uploading pictures (for example, to identify a product or solve a problem) so that it meets different needs.

Chatbot UI Design Examples

Below are some inspiring examples of chatbot UI designs that you can use for your project. You can also get the source code of each example easily. Check the link under each example.

Example 1: Simple Chatbot Interface

A clean and user-friendly chat interface with clear text, visual elements, and quick reply options to improve the interaction.

chatbot interface UI

Get the code for free!

Example 2: Chatbot Conversation Design (Widget)

A compact chat widget designed for clarity, featuring minimal visual elements, a clean layout, and easily accessible input and send buttons to facilitate smooth interactions.

chatbot conversation design

Get the code for free!

Example 3: Chatbot Dashboard Sidebar

A well-organized dashboard that provides admins with all the necessary information at a glance, making it easy to manage interactions. The minimalist design comes with a neutral color scheme and icons next to each menu item.

chatbot sidebar admin

Get the code for free!

Example 4: Chatbot Add-On Card

Use this card coded with Tailwind CSS if you want to offer users the option to add an additional AI chatbot to improve their workflow.

chatbot add-on card

Get the code for free!

Use Case: GaliChat

The Easy Way to Create Website Chatbots

GaliChat offers a no-code chatbot builder, making it easy for anyone, regardless of technical skill, to create and customize chatbots.


One of GaliChat’s standout features is its focus on user interface design. GaliChat’s dashboard is designed to simplify the process of building and customizing chatbots with a great user interface, making it easier for you to create engaging chatbots without having to worry about every design detail from scratch.

Here’s how GaliChat can help:

  • The widget integrates smoothly into the website, offering a sleek design.

galichat ai chatbot design

  • It allows you to easily customize your chatbot’s appearance, including text prompts, action buttons, and messages. Also, you can adjust colors, fonts, or add logo.

how to customize chatbot design

  • It provides built-in options for adding action buttons like “Human Help” and “Finish Conversation.” This feature simplifies the implementation of clear call-to-action buttons.

chatbot action button

  • It lets you easily set starting, preview, and suggestion messages, which helps you personalize the chatbot experience.

  • The GaliChat dashboard’s options for Human Form and Leads Form allow you to gather user information. By customizing placeholders and button text, you can design forms that look professional and are easy for users to fill out.

📌 Build your first AI website Chatbot for free!

Explore GaliChat Use Cases

Discover how GaliChat can be used for different business needs:

Final Thoughts

Chatbots are great at handling simple, repetitive questions, freeing up human agents to handle more complex problems. With ongoing advancements in AI, chatbots will continue to grow in popularity.

To get the most out of chatbots, good design is key. A well-designed chatbot should be easy to use, engaging, and feel personalized, working smoothly on any device. By following the tips in this article—like keeping the design simple, using a friendly tone, adding visuals, and making sure everyone can use it—you can create a chatbot that’s not just functional but also enjoyable for users.

Keep in mind: Whether you’re creating a chatbot from scratch or using a platform like GaliChat, focusing on user experience is crucial.

Author: Alexandra

Last update: 13.09.2024